Radio communications

LoRaWAN™ Configuration

The SQUID periodically transmits current measurements performed on his 12 measurement clamps in the form of consumption indexes (Ah) via a LoRaWAN™ radio link
To be able to configure a SQUID on the LoRaWAN™ network, you must use the following codes:

  • DevEUI : This is a factory programmed identifier which makes each object unique and is indicated on the label of each product. E.g. 70B3D54750120168
  • As well as the two codes AppEUI and AppKey provided with your order.
Network connection process
  • Our products try to connect to the network when they start.
  • If it does not work, they will retry every 24 hours until it works.
Periodique network reconnection
  • Our products restart a network connection procedure every 7 days.
    These reconnections improve security.
    Indeed, reconnection to the network renews the encryption keys.
Transmission period

Payload descriptions

The SQUID-LoRaWAN transmits its data in a raw format on different public and private LoRaWAN™ networks.
The section below shows you how to decode the frames (PayLoad) sent by the SQUID.

Periodic frames

The periodic frames contain the data measured by the SQUID.

Example of a periodic transmitted frame (HEXADECIMAL):

Status frame

The status frames contain supplementary information concerning the sensors (battery level, firmware version, etc.)