Radio communication
The ENVIRONNEMENT periodically sens its sensor measurements via a LoRaWAN™ radio link.
In order to configure the ENVIRONNEMENT for a LoRaWAN™ network, the encrypted identification code indicated on each product (DevEUI) is required.
As well as the following two codes AppEUI and AppKey provided with your order
Network connection process
- Our products try to connect to the network when they start.
- If it does not work, they will retry every 24 hours until it works.
Periodique network reconnection
- Our products restart a network connection procedure every 7 days.
These reconnections improve security.
Indeed, reconnection to the network renews the encryption keys.
Configuration of switches
Payload descriptions
The ENVIRONNEMENT sensor transmits its data in raw format on different public and private LoRaWAN™ networks. The section below shows you to decode the frames (PayLoad) sent by this sensor.
Periodic frames
The periodic frames contain the data measured by the sensor ENVIRONNEMENT.
Example of a periodic transmitted frame (HEXADECIMAL) :
0005 00 6A0B 04 60
Explanation of the frame structure :
Status frame
The status frames contain information about the sensor (battery level, firmware version..)
Example of a transmitted (HEXADECIMAL) status frame :
100A 0000020401 0405 083C00
Explanation of the frame structure :