Installation and Implementation
Pré-requis :
- 1x TYNESS-ENERGYLINK or TYNESS-ENERGYLINK -4G : intelligent sensor communicating via LoRa or 4G
- Electrical equipment
- Slot available for mounting TyNess EnergyLink
- 50/60Hz 100-240VAC for the 5VDC power supply
- Access to the power supply of the main equipment or consumer, to connect current clamps
- Mount the power supply and Easy-Link terminal block on a DIN rail. Remember to connect the 5V power supply to the Easy-Link card.
- Attach the Tyness and connect it to the Easy-Link modules using the DIN cables. Depending on the position of the FIX-RAIL, the height of the tongue must be adjusted to ensure accessibility.
- Connect and secure the antenna. In the case of a metal cabinet, place the antenna on the outside.
- Connect the current clamps to the Easy-Link terminal block. Then clip the clamps onto the consumer equipment.