Description and usage

The TYNESS-OPT-OPTIC is an assembly comprised of an additional board containing 2 inputs for recording the light pulses supplied by an LED and a light pulse sensor. The board can be fitted with a second optional sensor with reference OPTIC-SENSOR

The function is used when an energy counter does not have an electrical output (pulse, MBus, Modbus). When an electrical output is available, this is preferred. In general, a cabled electrical transmission will be more precise than the reading of an optical signal.
A list of tested and validated counters is available. For the other counters, a preliminary test is necessary.
A chapter “Setup and cabling” resumes the general principles to follow for the installation of light pulse sensors.

A push-button on the back of the sensor enables to activate a red LED which lights up when the sensor detects a pulse.

The board transmits the index of the pulses of each input at each frame.

The board can be installed on the Tyness Energy (1 location) and the Tyness Modular (2 locations).
It is comprised of 2 terminal blocks, 4 terminals of type AVX series 9276. The serigraphy of the printed circuit board specifies the function of the terminal block.

The board is powered by the Tyness.