Implementation and wiring

Pinout of the terminal block:

Configuration with the:

The resistances of polarization Pull Up and Pull Down must only be installed in a single
place of the Bus, usually at the level of the master.
In this case, move switches 2 and 3 to the position “ON” (high position).
The resistances of line termination are to be installed at each extremity of the
bus, which is usually on the furthest away master and slave.
In this case, move switch 1 to the position “ON” (top position).

Bus RS485 :

We remind you that the RS485 bus is defined by the standard EIA-TIA-485-A and the
application guide TSB-89-A.
It is recommended to use a shielded twisted pair (general shielding) of
minimum section 0.20 mm2 (AWG 24) of Impedance 120 ohms of type L IYCY-

Configurable transmission speed:

1 200, 2 400, 4 800, 9 600, 19 200, and 57 600 bauds.
We recommend using the speed 9 600 bauds.

Available MODBUS configurations:
● Parity: even, odd or absence of parity
● Number of bits of stop (1 or 2 bits)
● Communication mode: Master or Slave